China Meheco Swiftly Provided Italy with 8 Million Masks as the First Batch of Medical Supplies

03 2020-04


With the global spread of COVID-19, the prevention and control situation in Italy and other countries is increasingly severe, and the demand for epidemic prevention materials is increasingly urgent. Starting from March 20, the first batch of medical supplies - 8 million European standard medical protective masks - urgently exported by Chinese companies to Italy began arriving in Beijing in succession and will be shipped to Italy on chartered planes. China Meheco Group Co., Ltd. (China Meheco for short), which undertook the export, urgently communicated with the Italian Civil Protection Agency about the supply of protective supplies such as medical masks. Italy's purchase quantity is large, time is tight, and the model and standard are different from that of China. All these posed great challenges to the suppliers' ability to produce and deliver goods. As the main platform for foreign aid and export of epidemic prevention materials, China Meheco has overcome many difficulties and met the urgent needs of Italy in this extraordinary period by giving full play to its import and export expertise and national business network advantages. On March 15, the two sides signed an agreement to supply the first 8 million medical masks, and are now working together to supply the second batch of masks and other anti-epidemic supplies.

During the epidemic prevention and control period, China Meheco was designated by the Necessities Supply Group for the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council as the procurement and supply execution unit for related drugs, medical devices and protective materials. The group has effectively fulfilled the mission and responsibilities as a central enterprise, fully exerted its own advantages, and purchased a large number of masks, protective clothing, medical devices and other anti-epidemic materials from home and abroad, providing a powerful guarantee for epidemic prevention and control.