Chairman Li Yadong Attends Signing Ceremony between China Meheco and Huawei

15 2021-04

In the afternoon of April 15, Li Yadong, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of China Meheco Group Co., Ltd. (China Meheco) visited Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. (Huawei) with his entourage. They attended the signing ceremony of the cooperation agreement between China Meheco and Huawei, witnessing the signing of the agreement and having a discussion and exchange with Guo Ping, the rotating chairman of Huawei. After that, they visited Huawei’s R&D base at Songshan Lake.

During the meeting, Li Yadong introduced the overview of China Meheco and the development of its business segments, pointing out that there is a broad scope for cooperation between China Meheco and Huawei in enterprise digital transformation, digital hospital and overseas market. Guo Ping hoped to use Huawei’s experience to promote the strategic transformation of enterprises and hospitals, along with health management services, focusing on cooperation in the overseas medical market involved in the “Belt and Road” Initiative. Both sides have a common expectation to create demonstration cases of cooperation and help enterprises develop in a high-quality way through a strong alliance. The two sides will rely on the basis of past cooperation and give full play to their core competencies to start a new chapter of close cooperation.

Li Yadong and his entourage visited Huawei Songshan Lake Campus after the signing ceremony.

The entourage included Yuan Jinghua, Vice General Manager of China Meheco, the heads of the offices (Party Committee Office and General Manager Office), Product Technology Department and related personnel of China Meheco International Co., Ltd. and China Meheco Guangdong Pharma Co., Ltd.